Three men go on a hunting trip deep in the Swedish forest. Things start well, but one day all the animals vanish and the forest turns eerily quiet, leaving the men alone as they insist the hunt must continue....
A sensational, sentimental, and philosophical horror neo-noir that follows the still-at-large crimes of Noel, a repentant, classy and charming serial killer loose in the suburbs of New York.</p>...
生活在英国伦敦的亚瑟·科普斯(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰),早年他的妻子分娩时身亡,儿子虽然乖巧伶俐,但是亚瑟始终沉浸在亡妻之痛中无法自拔,面上的愁云久久不曾散去。某天,他受派前往某偏远村镇处理一位寡妇的遗产。在这个僻静甚至有些阴郁的小村庄,亚瑟受到了诸多冷遇,人们似乎并不欢迎他的到来,时刻希望他尽早处理完事务回到伦敦。亚瑟不固别人的劝说,兀自走入老寡妇位于滩渚中央的老房子调查。在此期间,村中有女孩离奇死亡,而亚瑟也时常在老宅四周看到奇怪的人与景象。他的到来慢慢揭开村里的秘密,也使自己陷入莫大的危险之中……...